June 26, 2012

Sweet and surprise ....

Botanical name: Cadaba fruticosa
Indian Cadaba is a climbing shrub, height up to 5 m. Oval leaves with rounded tip are arranged alternately on the branches. Flowers usually in terminal racemes, or axillary solitary. Petals 4, clawed. Disk-appendix about as long as the petal claw, tubular, often trumpet shaped, apex generally petaloid and more or less toothed. Stamens 4-6, exserted, spreading; filaments on a short androphore or irregularly fused with the gynophore. Fruit is nearly cylindrical, leathery - internal tissues surrounding the nearly round seeds are often orange coloured. This was a surprise to me as i was moving with my friend in a sericulture village in Nanjangud Taluk of Mysore district on 21st June, 2012. It suddenly struct my attention and we stopped the vehicle and took this photograph.
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