Scientific name: Brunfelsia latifolia
The bright and beautiful Brunfelsia latifolia or better known as Yesterday Today and Tomorrow. The beautiful Purple lavender and white flowers are large, sweet smelling, are Tropical Perennials and are rarely seen in gardens. It is is a unique plant in that each flower lasts for 3 days. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. This fascinating 2-inch fragrant flowers open purple the first day, then turning lavender the second and almost white on its third day. Brunfelsias are evergreen shrubs from tropical America. There are about 30 species, all with tubular flowers which change colour over successive days. The leaves are alternate and simple, with shapes generally elliptic to ovate. The flowers are large and tubular, with five broad petals. The genus name Brunfelsia commemorates sixteenth century German monk, Otto Brunfels. The species name, bonodora, is from the Latin, and means 'sweet-smelling'. This photograph was taken on 12th October, 2011 in a private nursery (Atmanilayam), which is one of the most popular one in South Kerala, near Parassala.