Scientific name:Quisqalis indica
The rangoon creeper, burma creeper or chinese honey suckle is a wonderful vine suitable to trellis and roof top, native to asia. The genus name in latin means what is that? The vine can reaach upto 8 mts. The plant shows profuse growth and climbs up other trees and builldings if guided. The leaves are elliptical with an acuminate tip and a rounded base. The flowers are fragrant and tubular and their colours range from white to pink to red. Mostly flowers throughout the year and are formed at the shoot tips. The pinkish red flowers droop down from the bunch and the buds look upwards. I took this photograph on 24th April 2011 from Brindavan gardens of Kirshnarajasagar dam in Mandya district of Karnataka.
The rangoon creeper, burma creeper or chinese honey suckle is a wonderful vine suitable to trellis and roof top, native to asia. The genus name in latin means what is that? The vine can reaach upto 8 mts. The plant shows profuse growth and climbs up other trees and builldings if guided. The leaves are elliptical with an acuminate tip and a rounded base. The flowers are fragrant and tubular and their colours range from white to pink to red. Mostly flowers throughout the year and are formed at the shoot tips. The pinkish red flowers droop down from the bunch and the buds look upwards. I took this photograph on 24th April 2011 from Brindavan gardens of Kirshnarajasagar dam in Mandya district of Karnataka.