Saluting every life with a flower each day! Flowers are soul of the planet, blooming to play music with silent notes. Smile at them as they are sweet hearted!! Only the photographs taken by me are uplinked. I lean heavily to http://www.flowersofindia for flower identification and descriptions. Looking forward to valuable comments and suggestions.
The plants are known by Devil's claws or Tiger's claws as they produce strange seed pods that attach to the feet and legs of animals. Leaves are kidney to circular shaped with hairy on both surfaces. Flowers are tubular, 4-6 cm long, white to pink with 5 spreading lobes at the apex. Each lobe is with a purple spot, throat is with red and yellow lines. The yellow lines in the corolla throat are nectar guide lines to direct pollinator bees to the nectar source. I was interested in this plant while collecting plants related to my research work. The wild growth all along the highways have attracted me due to its beautiful flowers. I took this photograph on 6th July, 2011 morning, while on a plant collection trip for my friend, near Ashokapuram Railyway Station, Mysore.