Saluting every life with a flower each day! Flowers are soul of the planet, blooming to play music with silent notes. Smile at them as they are sweet hearted!! Only the photographs taken by me are uplinked. I lean heavily to http://www.flowersofindia for flower identification and descriptions. Looking forward to valuable comments and suggestions.
Perfumed passion flower or grape leaved passion fruit is a vine, native to Central and South America. The vine has cylindric stems covered in red-brown hairs when young. The leaves are three-lobed, up to 15 cm long and 18 cm broad. The common name and the species name vitifolia is derived from the shape of leaves resembling that of grape leaves. The flowers are stunning, bright red, up to 9 cm diameter. The flowers are fragrant too. This is only one of the many existing red passion-flowers. The fruit is green-yellow, 5 cm long and 3 cm broad, containing numerous seeds, with edible pulp. I took this photograph on 27th May, 2012 at Lal Bagh, Bangalore.