September 14, 2011

Never forgotten ...

Scientific name: Anthurium sp.
The Flamingo flower or boy flower refers to the structure of spathe and spadix. The glossy heart shaped flower bract gives the name Painter’s palette. Anthurium is one of the most admired and cultivated garden plant across the globe, which comes in shades of red, pink, white, liliac, green, etc. The dark green heart shaped leaves themselves are attractive and adds to the beauty of any home garden. The plant produces four to six flowers every year and lasts for about six weeks in the plant. My uncle – father’s younger brother – had a very good collection of Anthuriums in Trivandrum (Kerala) when i noticed them during 1976. Now also he is very keen about maintaining many specialized cultivars. This photograph i took on 5th Sept. 2011 evening from the uncle’s home, who is maintaining a wonderful home garden.
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