Saluting every life with a flower each day! Flowers are soul of the planet, blooming to play music with silent notes. Smile at them as they are sweet hearted!! Only the photographs taken by me are uplinked. I lean heavily to http://www.flowersofindia for flower identification and descriptions. Looking forward to valuable comments and suggestions.
Cardinal sage is a perennial herb native to the Mexican mountains. It is a half hardy perennial, producing spikes of glowing red flowers each with the lower lip covered in velvet like hairs. The leaves are velvety and heart shaped. I took this photo on 30th November, 2010 on my way to Coonoor, somewhere in the Nilgiris, as the vehicle stopped for a short break - the old vehicle was literally huffing and puffing! This humble plant was smiling with vibrant red flowers as if it is welcoming us to the Nilgiris.