Saluting every life with a flower each day! Flowers are soul of the planet, blooming to play music with silent notes. Smile at them as they are sweet hearted!! Only the photographs taken by me are uplinked. I lean heavily to http://www.flowersofindia for flower identification and descriptions. Looking forward to valuable comments and suggestions.
A succulent, native to Mexico. Cultivated for its fibres that are extracted from the leaves. The plant has large lancolate leaves with thick points and sharp tips. The long spike bears many urceolate yellow-green flowers. It was plenty in my native place and i has seen people cutting the leaves for its fibres. When we travel south Tamil Nadu, it is a common sight that people are harvesting the leaf for its fibre. This photograph i took just outside the chamber of Director, CSRTI, Mysore, on 11th Sept. 2011.