Saluting every life with a flower each day! Flowers are soul of the planet, blooming to play music with silent notes. Smile at them as they are sweet hearted!! Only the photographs taken by me are uplinked. I lean heavily to http://www.flowersofindia for flower identification and descriptions. Looking forward to valuable comments and suggestions.
Indian heliotrope or scorpion weed is a herb with long taperoot, stem erect, with few branches, 30-80 cm tall, leaves alternate, distinctly petiolate. Inflorescence is terminal, tip is coiled, axis upto 20 cm long. The inflorsscence uncoils after older flowers mature. Flowers are pale violet with a yellow throat. The inflorescence is very beautiful and easily calls your attention as you move around. This weed is found all along the road sides and waste lands. I took this photo on 24th December 2011 by the roadside near Parassala, my home town.