May 31, 2012

Pinning the hope

Botanical name: Cassia grandis
Coral Shower Tree is native to tropical regions of America. It is a deciduous or semideciduous tree that grows up to 18 m in height and 50 cm d.b.h. The trunk is straight and the spreading crown is high, irregular, and made up of dangling branches. The leaves are paripinnate and made up of 10 to 20 pairs of oblong leaflets that are 3 to 6 cm long and rounded or obtuse at the apex and base. Cassia grandis is used as an ornamental to beautify streets, avenues, parks, and gardens. The sweet tasting and bad smelling pulp of the fruit is edible and is used as a laxative. The wood is hard and heavy; it is used in rural areas for home construction, sheds, and structures for roofs and in cabinet- making. The pink to purple flowers turn salmon-color with time and are arranged in racemes. The species blooms in spring, and fruits (legumes) ripen in summer. Many trees are found in Bangalore and Mysore of Karnataka I took this flower from Lalbagh, Bangalore on 27th May 2012.
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