February 14, 2012

Inscribed in the heart ...

Botanical name: Cardiospermum halicacabum
Balloon Vine is a woody perennial vine distributed almost globally in the tropics. It is a fast growing vine up to 10 feet. Leaves are trifoliate, up to 4 inches long, with highly lobed leaflets. The plant climb with tendrils and needs some form of support. The small white flowers bloom from summer through fall, flowers are not very showy. The fruit is more interesting, from which the plant gets its common name. It is a brown, thin-shelled, inflated angled capsule up to 3 cm across, containing 3 black seeds each, with a white heart-shaped scar. On this valentin's day, it would be appropriate to uplink this flower, wherein the heart (symbol of love) is inscribed into the seeds. I took this photograph on 5th February, 2012, near my lab.
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