September 6, 2011

A star is borne ...

Scientific name: Pentas lanceolata
The Egyptian stars is a perennial herb native to East Africa to Southern Arabia. The dark green hairy leaves are lanceolate in shape. In tropics they bloom almost throughout the year and are a must in butterfly parks. The flowers range in colour from magenta to pink, red, white, lavender, purple and shades of pink. I had red and white ones in Palakkad, many years ago. Yesterday i visited one uncle and aunt, who are known to me being the members of same church in Mysore.  This was possible as my well wisher, colleague (the executive engineer of the institute where i am working) and friend took me there. They are nurturing their home garden very fondly. It was a superb atmosphere, wherein a variety of plants and flowers along with their pet birds were welcoming me cheerfully. I continued my photo shoot, till fall of night.
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